Monday, April 20, 2009

I feel like a bad blogger.

I am a bad blogger. I keep forgetting to update here, and I am actually thinking about closing this blog, or taking it in a new direction. Between work, life, and my part-time stuff, I have been too busy to really give this blog the attention I feel it deserves. Instead of writing about my cheap chick adventures, I might make this more about the different bargains I am finding on-line or in-stores. I love sharing deals with people, and isn't that really what being a cheap chick is about?!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Do this now!

If you are a reader like me, this is a steal!!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Quickie.... :)

This will be a quick posting, since I am supposed to be packing.

We are moving! Our landlord listed and sold our house within a week, and gave us 10 days to move out since the buyers want to close ASAP. We found, applied for, got accepted to, and are in the process of moving to a bigger home in a nearby town that is just a little bigger than our current intersection-of-a-town.

I will be blogging all about moving on a budget once the internet is hooked up at the new place, but I did want to post this new story from, which I LOVE. It's all about.... being a cheap chick!

I promise I will update more in a few days, after the guy (or gal!) comes out to install our satellite dish.

In the meantime, leave your comments about what YOU are doing to stretch your dollar....!

Quickie.... :)

Oops. Double post.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Knitting is Knifty.

We are getting to the age where we have a lot of friends that are having babies. While I thoroughly enjoy shopping from registries, I have always wanted to be one of those people that gave a gift that would really MEAN something. I am a very basic scrapbooker, so I have thought about doing baby scrapbooks, but they are usually something that the mothers prefer to do. Then I remembered that one of the most cherished items we got for our wedding/shower was a throw crocheted by my aunt. Aha! New projects are born.

I have started knitting. Seeing as how this can be hard to learn and frustrating initially, I started out with help - from The Knifty Knitting series. I bought the Long Looms, a couple of small instructional booklets, and a pound of yarn to start. All the things you can make! Blankets, washcloths, socks, hats, scarves, shawls, sweaters, slippers, etc! Some people even cut up plastic bags and knit those into scrubbies for cleaning!

When you knit, you touch every inch of the yarn, so the gift is loaded with love and thought. It's something to do when you are watching TV or a movie. And (of course) although it's a gift loaded with love, it's not very expensive to make, especially if you buy your yarn when it's on sale!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Vinegar is amazing.

If you followed my blog last year, you know that I am very into the eco movement. Although that blog is no longer very active, I am still very into this movement, as well as into saving myself as much money as possible.

As you also know, I blogged awhile ago about DIY detergent. Well, that of course led to a DIY rinse agent or fabric softener. You know that fabric softener (or FS as it will now be called) is expensive. You have probably complained about it to yourself when you see the price on the shelf at Target or Walmart or wherever you shop. I did some research, and found that instead of adding FS to your laundry, a few tablespoons of vinegar works very well to get soap off the clothes, as well as deodorizing them, and repelling dust and lint. There is no vinegar smell left over after the wash, and the clothes look great. Bonus: no chemicals, and it helps keep your washer in top shape, too! Then to reduce static, we use FS sheets, which are a lot less expensive and less wasteful.

THEN! Then I discovered how amazing vinegar really is! Use it in the dishwasher (just a splash) to make the dishes shinier. Add some essential oils to it and use it as an all purpose cleaner at home. It has dozens of uses in the garden, as a natural remedy, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the garage, etc. In fact, it even helps to keep unwanted animals away from your home, and has qualities as a diet-aid!

It costs less than $2 at the store for a larger bottle, and it is turning out to be the most versatile item in my house.

Visit this website and read up:

Go now; buy a big bottle! And tell me what you did with it!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Google Docs

My dad got us a computer last year for Christmas. We have been dragging out the demo of Microsoft Office that came with it for over a year, but I had to face facts that the time was up and I was going to have to fork out over $100 for the real thing.

Lo and behold, I discovered GoogleDocs, and I am in love.

It is a free document creation and private on-line storage mecca founded by the fine folks that gave us gmail. You can create, edit, store, share, etc any typed documents, including spreadsheets, files and presentations.

The great thing is that I can store something on here, and then go somewhere else to print it or view it, simply by logging in from a computer with internet.

I just created my first document, and it is perfect - no problems at all.

So, $100 saved, and I actually find this to be far more convenient than a computer-based system, such as Office.

Website is here: